COVID-19 second wave support


COVID-19 second wave support

India is reeling under the impact of Covid. This is a collection of resources and guidelines to help you cope up with the current situation.

Preventive Measures

Be prepared

Ensure that your medical insurance plan covers COVID

Resources to keep at home in these times

First-aid kit and regular medicines

  • dressing cotton, bandages, band-aids
  • Dettol or Savlon
  • broad-spectrum antibiotic ointment
  • Betadine gargle
  • ORS sachets

In case of a suspected COVID infection (self, family member)


  • [ ] What to look for: Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, sore throat, dry cough, headache, body aches and loss of smell or taste. If you have these symptoms
  • [ ] Don't panic!
    • 80% of the cases are asymptomatic(meaning, the subject would have no illness nor symptoms)
    • vast majority of the remaining 20% would have mild cold and fever
    • very few cases need medical intervention
  • [ ] Isolate the patient and practice good hygiene
    • Quarantine in a room
    • Monitor SPO2 levels 4 times a day
    • If the bathroom needs to be shared, sanitise before and after each use. Leave a gap before next use for aerosols to disperse.
    • Wash hands with soap or with alcohol based sanitiser several times a day(helps stop spread of virus)
    • Drink plenty of fluids (not just water, but fluids with salt and sugar)
    • Keep windows in the room open for ventilation.
  • [ ] Family members
    • Keep windows in the house open for ventilation.
    • Everyone in the house should wear either N95 or a double mask (inner: surgical, outer: snug-fitting cloth mask)
    • Caregivers should wear gloves, face shields when serving food, etc.
  • [ ] Get everyone at home tested (RT-PCR test)
  • [ ] Tele-consult a doctor
  • [ ] Regularly check-in on those who are living alone, away from home.

In case of a confirmed COVID infection (self, family member)

The following graphic is from and is compiled by a team of doctors based on data from scientific studies on which line of treatment is recommended at what stage.

  • Monitor and record your temperature and SPO2 levels 4-6 times a day
  • Use doctor consultations and the above chart to determine when hospital help is required

Addtional Resources:

Please read this article that describes when different drugs are to be administered, what works, what does not work.

This article is written using information from our friends at Upekkha Accelerator.Upekkha Accelerator


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